Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Scraps and Precuts

Sometimes I buy precuts just because I like them.  No real plan in mind.  Sometimes there is no plan for a while (years).

When I gave up my sewing room I only kept my precuts, the fabric that I had a plan for and a small tub of scraps.   

After getting the new sewing room ready I sorted the scraps by color.  I never used them, just collected more.  When I had a quilt I wanted to make I bought just the fabric for that project.  That was before I found Bonnie.  She uses scraps and she sorts them by size.  So I rearranged my scraps and sorted by size.

When I decided to join, not one but four, QAL/BOMs this year I tried not buying any new fabric.  I can do this using scraps like Bonnie does.  I have done most of the blocks so far with the scraps but I did cut into a couple of the fat quarter bundles and even a jellyroll for H2H.

This came from one of the fat quarter bundles.  It may be about time to put it to use. Ya think?

Several of the corners in these blocks are made with these pieces.

This is Block 3 from Clementine from Jolly Jabber.  It was the 2018 QAL.  Have I mentioned that I don't like pressing seams open?  But it's so necessary in these blocks.

Then I found Mari.  She uses scraps too and she sorts by color.  Did I also mention that I don't like digging through multiple tubs trying to find fabric because it's in several different sizes.This weekend I am planning to recruit Lump to help me rearrange the scraps back to colors.  

I have enjoyed both Bonnie and Mari's blogs.  You should check them out.

Wishing you more sewing time than I will have.


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