Saturday, December 17, 2022


 Finally, the last box has been received.

I believe I may have offended the FedEx driver because even though I have this in my front yard.....

(there is a matching one in the neighbor's yard on the right), they delivered my last package to the neighbor on the left.  But none the less, it has arrived over 2 months after it was ordered!!!

It took a day and a half but it's done and his name is Leon.

Now maybe I can get back to quilting and piecing.  I still have a small amount of cleanup to do but it shouldn't take too long.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Congratulations on your new Q'Nique! I like the name Leon. My Hand-Quilter is named Longmire. :)