Friday, December 1, 2023

November PHD Report and More

 Stitching time has been limited since the addition of the new fur baby.  But I did accomplish a few things.

The quilt along that I joined last month with Audrey at Quilty Folk was a slow start for me but no worries because it has been paused for a couple of weeks.  Here is my progress.

I have put together the center.  It isn't stitched down yet but the design has been decided.  Progress made is a plus.

I have completed 4 of 22 byannie project bags.  

I completed quilting a friends quilt.

She had chosen a pantograph but I didn't like how it was turning out so after letting her know and spending several hours frogging it (rip it, rip it), I custom quilted it.

I like the back as well as the front.

I also completed my tree skirt and this morning put the tree up and added the skirt.

It's only 39" in diameter but as you can see my tree isn't very big around so it works real well.  I didn't tie the ties in the back because that's where the heat vent is.

So my PHD report for Quilting Gail

Gail stated that when she started the PHD challenge she had a LOT of UFOs and that she had eliminated enough of them that she doesn't have enough to do the challenge another year.  I, too, have completed most of my UFOs.  The ones showing incomplete on my list only need to be quilted.  I plan to quilt at least 2 of them in December.  My project list is still long but none have been started yet.

Thank you Gail for the challenge.  It has helped me tremendously.  

Now I have to decide how to proceed with my project list.  Do I keep them in the same order?  Or do I rearrange the order?  Once I make this decision I will take the first six and put them in the numbered tubs and roll the dice to see which one I will work on this week (my favorite method).

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


1 comment:

Linda said...

Your quilting is beautiful Rose! Nicely done, I'm sure your client is pleased. I love your Christmas tree skirt, it looks perfect under that cute tree.