Thursday, March 5, 2020

Don't Iron Pounce!

So I've been a little, no, a lot, lax when it comes to posting on this blog.  But it's not because I haven't been busy in the sewing room.  I'll try to catch up in the near future.

I bought a camera that was wifi ready so I didn't have to email pictures to myself so I could post them.  But the camera wouldn't bluetooth to the laptop.  But I found out that my phone would.  So the camera would bluetooth to the phone and the phone would bluetooth to the laptop.  Kinda worse than emailing them to myself.  Now I'm back to taking pictures with my phone.  Wasted money on a new camera.  Oh well.

OK I'm going to back up a little.  When I was marking the quilt that I quilted for a friend, I accidentally ironed the blue pounce.  Let me tell you, an iron will SET blue pounce.  I didn't panic but I had decided that I was going to have to take it apart and replace the border that I had messed up.

I got on a forum (don't ask which forum) and asked the question "how can I get out set in pounce".  I got all kinds of advice including Magic Eraser and don't iron blue pounce.  DUH!!  Too Late!!

I took some scrap fabric, made a quilt sandwich, pounced and ironed, then stitched the pattern.

I tried all of the suggestions and then some.  The results......

All of the solutions worked.  Thank goodness.  The S-32 and Grandmas Secret Spot Remover needed the least scrubbing.  But Grandmas Secret Spot Remover didn't work if not scrubbed.

Lesson learned, don't iron pounce.

Wishing you more sewing time than I will have.



The Joyful Quilter said...

That's terrible (and wonderful at the same time!!) Good job on NOT letting the panic set in. SEW glad that you were able to find a number of solutions to the problem and thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Paula said...

Wow, I'm so glad to hear you were able to find a solution to the Pounce problem. Please reconsider using your camera to take photos, as camera photos are often better than phones. Sometimes a little troubleshooting with a tech-savvy pal will help (firewall issue? password needed?), but you can always take the card out and stick it directly into your laptop or PC. If you don't have the SD card slot on the device, just buy an a card reader and keep it plugged in. This is actually much faster than using the Bluetooth transfer on my camera. That takes forever! LOL!