Sunday, March 8, 2020

Scenic Route?

I was reading Sew Preeti Quilts' old posts when I came across this one.  The content was interesting but not as interesting to me, at the time, as the title.

You see, yesterday I was working on a commission quilt for a friends granddaughter that will be attending the University of Alabama in the fall.  The quilt has 12 -  24" blocks with LOTS of HSTs.  I am so proud of my points. All but two look like this and those two are not bad.

Sew I was putting the blocks together thinking I needed to call my friend and tell her she needed to start thinking about how she wants this quilt quilted.

I had put two thirds of all of the blocks together and was adding the last third to them.  I was pinning the last section to the fourth block and realized I was pinning the wrong side together.  That means I have to rip three 24" seam!! I have to rip 15 24" seams.  All 12 blocks looked like this and the three additional sections that were added to the right side with the same orientation.

They are supposed to look like this.

Back to Sew Preeti Quilts title "Mistake? No. Scenic Route? YES."  I'm taking the scenic route with this one.  

Time to make friends with my ripper.  UGH!!

Wishing you more sewing time than I will have.



Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Scenic route is nice too ;)) Love your tiny elephants is this fabric!

Unknown said...

Hi!! This is stephanie with dick Russell's bbq in mobile! Just wanted to let you know I found your blog!!