The SAHRR (Stay At Home Round Robin) hosted by Quilting Gail continues.
Round 2 was announced by Anja from Anga Quilts. She chose HSTs (half square triangles). I probably should have gone simple, but nah, I can't do that.
I chose a block called Fox and Geese. Lots of HSTs.
I chose this block because we played a game called Fox and Geese as kids.
Unlike the town I live in today, in the "olden days" the school bus didn't pick every child up at their front door (except kindergarten). Back then all the kids in the neighborhood gathered at a central location to wait for the bus. Imagine that, getting some exercise before school. Anyway, our bus stop happened to be in front of the Catholic church. The church had a large front yard. In the winter we would tromp down the snow in a huge pie shape and chase each other around the pie. One person was "it" and the center was goal. We played it every morning while waiting for the bus and sometimes the neighborhood kids would gather on the weekend to play. When the snow melted in the spring the grass was yellow where our pie shape was so we could continue to play for another few weeks on the grass.
So, following the theme of the story of my life, I chose the Fox and Geese quilt block.
I have kept up with the challenge so far, even though I'm only exposing my block choices. My other projects have pretty much taken a back seat. Last week I rolled the dice and didn't even open the tub. This week I had completed round one before the deadline, so I rolled again and worked on that one for a couple of days. Now I'm going to be back on the SAHRR for round 2.
I'm linking with Anja at Anja Quilts
Until next time...
Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.