Monday, January 27, 2025

Round 2 SAHRR

 The SAHRR (Stay At Home Round Robin) hosted by Quilting Gail continues.  

Round 2 was announced by Anja from Anga Quilts.  She chose HSTs (half square triangles).  I probably should have gone simple, but nah, I can't do that.

I chose a block called Fox and Geese.  Lots of HSTs.

I chose this block because we played a game called Fox and Geese as kids.

Unlike the town I live in today, in the "olden days" the school bus didn't pick every child up at their front door (except kindergarten).  Back then all the kids in the neighborhood gathered at a central location to wait for the bus.  Imagine that, getting some exercise before school.  Anyway, our bus stop happened to be in front of the Catholic church.  The church had a large front yard.  In the winter we would tromp down the snow in a huge pie shape and chase each other around the pie.  One person was "it" and the center was goal.  We played it every morning while waiting for the bus and sometimes the neighborhood kids would gather on the weekend to play.  When the snow melted in the spring the grass was yellow where our pie shape was so we could continue to play for another few weeks on the grass.

So, following the theme of the story of my life, I chose the Fox and Geese quilt block.

I have kept up with the challenge so far, even though I'm only exposing my block choices.  My other projects have pretty much taken a back seat.  Last week I rolled the dice and didn't even open the tub.  This week I had completed round one before the deadline, so I rolled again and worked on that one for a couple of days.  Now I'm going to be back on the SAHRR for round 2.

I'm linking with Anja at Anja Quilts 

Until next time...

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Plans Change for SAHRR

I've joined the SAHRR hosted by Quilting Gail.  I was going to use a block left by my mom because I didn't think I would be able to finish the original idea.  But.... 

Yep, I finished the lighthouse block.

Just completing this block is on my project list so I'm counting it as a finish.  I purchased it several years ago not really expecting to ever finish it.  Paper piecing with LOTS of little pieces is not really my thing.  I purchased it because this lighthouse is in my hometown.

I added 3" to the top and bottom because I prefer a rectangular quilt.  I hope my quilty math works out correctly.

Actual lighthouse picture from

Round 1 of the SAHRR was chosen by Kathleen.  She suggested King's Crown or choosing a block that started with the first letter of your first name.

I chose Road to Oklahoma because it started with an R and because DH and I met in Oklahoma over 47 years ago.

Maybe this quilt will end up being the story of my life. 😉

Linking with kathleenmcmusing

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

First Finishes for 2025

I actually had this quilt together on last Sunday, but it took me 4 days to "rag" it.  I never would have dreamed it would take that long.

                Front                                   Back

The completion of this one emptied tub #2.  After drawing from the Alabama box (more about that here), Scrappy Moon (Summer Moon made with scraps) will replace it in the tub.

Then I rolled the dice, #3.  That one is the Storm at Sea made with Shot Cottons.  I'm not sure how big this one is going to be, but I know it's NOT going to as big as the picture that I found on The Secret Live of Mrs Meatloaf.  I don't know the size of her blocks, but the size of mine would be bigger than will fit on the quilt frame if I used as many as she did.

I finished a customer quilt.

Green Tea and Sweet Beans pattern by Jen Kingwell

Pieced by Mary

Stitch in the ditch was done by our friend Sylvia and then she moved so I finished it with custom quilting.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


Linking with:

    Oh Scrap

    Sew and Tell

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


 I have thought about joining the SAHRR hosted by Quilting Gail and I wanted to use this block that is on my project list as the center block.

But this block is FPP, and it has LOTS of little pieces so I didn't think I could complete it on time.

So, I dug out the tub that has all of the orphan blocks in it and found this one.

You can see it's kind of wonky, so I trimmed it to 12.5".  I also put some Fabric Fusion on the ends of the decorative hand stitching so I wouldn't lose it after trimming.

This block was left over from the blocks that I inherited from my mother.  You can read about them here and here.  I estimate they came from the late 1960s or early 1970s.

I'm not sure what I will do with it but I'm going to try.

If I happen to complete the lighthouse, this could change.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


Linking with Quilting Gail SAHRR Center Block

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Making Progress on UFOs

 I was reading some posts from Heather at The Sewing Loft about organizing your UFOs so they can become completions.  You know, things like making a list and creating kits.

I thought I would take this time to show how I organize my projects.  

I do make a list.  Below are the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.

You can see how it changes.  This year I have eliminated about ten that have been pushed back and pushed back, so I decided they could be put on hold.  They were patterns only, not fabric bought or pulled from the stash.

Those of you that follow know that I roll the dice each week.  Those six projects are the current WIPs and they are stored in these tubs.  This method keeps me from getting bored with any one project.

When the top is completed, it goes in one of these drawers to be quilted.

And another project from the list will be drawn from this container to see which one will replace it in the numbered tubs.

This year I'm trying something new for the "to be quilted" drawer.  Except for Chic Picnic, which has a self-imposed deadline, and Mary's QOV, the next on the frame will be drawn from this container.  Let's hope I don't really need this size container.  😆

On top of all of this, I am constantly trying to use these scraps for leader/enders.  These drive me crazy!!!  But I can't bring myself to throw them away.

I organize my projects this way because I like to spend my decision making on necessary things like what to cook for dinner or what groceries need to be purchased.

By the way, I rolled a 2 this week, which means the snowman gets another week.  He should be completed by then.  We'll see.

Maybe this information can help someone else.  Maybe.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

First Post of 2025

 I guess the first post for the year should be goals.  I can set them, but it doesn't mean a whole lot because I will start more projects, I know me.

The PHD challenge is hosted by Ms P Designs.  

I have listed the top 17 projects.  The ones in the shaded boxes are to be quilted.

I haven't participated in a couple of years.  The spreadsheet I use is from when Quilting Gail was the host. You can get the current spreadsheet here.  

Speaking of starting new projects this year, this came in the mail today, yep, mail on Sunday.  Who woulda thunk it.

I love scrappy quilts, and this book is full of them.

Progress made this week?  I started with this kit that was purchased years ago.  The squares had been cut and the batting was cut.

And the progress made in 6 days.  The design wall.

And most of the rest of the blocks are prepared.

This will get a couple of extra days because I normally roll the dice on Wednesday but because of the holidays I rolled on Sunday last week.  Maybe I can get it assembled, maybe....

I'm also going to try to join Kate at Life in Pieces for the 15 minutes to stitch each week.

  • 15 minute days/week =  4/4 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 4/4 days
  • 15 minute days/2025 = 4/4 days
  • Success rate = 100%

Until next time.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


Linking with:     Life in Pieces for 15 minutes to stitch.

                  Melva Loves Scraps for Sew and Tell