Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Making Progress on UFOs

 I was reading some posts from Heather at The Sewing Loft about organizing your UFOs so they can become completions.  You know, things like making a list and creating kits.

I thought I would take this time to show how I organize my projects.  

I do make a list.  Below are the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.

You can see how it changes.  This year I have eliminated about ten that have been pushed back and pushed back, so I decided they could be put on hold.  They were patterns only, not fabric bought or pulled from the stash.

Those of you that follow know that I roll the dice each week.  Those six projects are the current WIPs and they are stored in these tubs.  This method keeps me from getting bored with any one project.

When the top is completed, it goes in one of these drawers to be quilted.

And another project from the list will be drawn from this container to see which one will replace it in the numbered tubs.

This year I'm trying something new for the "to be quilted" drawer.  Except for Chic Picnic, which has a self-imposed deadline, and Mary's QOV, the next on the frame will be drawn from this container.  Let's hope I don't really need this size container.  😆

On top of all of this, I am constantly trying to use these scraps for leader/enders.  These drive me crazy!!!  But I can't bring myself to throw them away.

I organize my projects this way because I like to spend my decision making on necessary things like what to cook for dinner or what groceries need to be purchased.

By the way, I rolled a 2 this week, which means the snowman gets another week.  He should be completed by then.  We'll see.

Maybe this information can help someone else.  Maybe.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.



Linda said...

Love your organization methods! I kind of get tired of having to quit the sewing room to cook, but I know if I didn't have anyone to cook for, I'd be too depressed to sew, right?

Chantal said...

This is a great method. You roll the dice every week or once a month? I did, in passed years, a quilt tagged to a colour. Whatever colour Angela called I would work on that quilt. I realized that one month was not enough to get any quilt moving forward much. Every year the same quilts would be listed. So, this year, I decided to just work on one til it was done. Bored or not bored. Lol. Maybe, when I am retired I will try your method and see if it agrees with me. Thanks for sharing. ;^)

Vicki in MN said...

My scraps are starting to wear me down, so I am playing with them this winter and it is so fun! Good luck on all your projects.