I did it!!!
I managed to complete my one monthly goal while still being able to spend time with my son and granddaughter before they move 13 hours away to Kansas.
I saw this quilt on the wall at the LQS during the holiday season of 2018.
Now I just have to figure out how to quilt it. And if Matilda, my Sweet Sixteen, will behave herself and not skip stitches and break thread. I'm going to guess this quilt top will go in the stack with all of the others.
I need to have a basting marathon but that is my least favorite part of quilting.
Now on to why I kind of picked an easily reachable goal.
This little thing thinks she is grown at 7 years old.
We all had dinner with my DD and her family last night for a going away. And can you believe we didn't take the first picture of the whole family together.
She has been her daddy's world for 7 years and now not only does he have a new wife, she has 5 children.
Lump is excited about all of the changes and she will still be an only child every other week while the other kids go to their dads.
After 4 years living with us it's going to be a sad day.
I'm going to miss them so much.
Wishing you more sewing time than I will have.
Linking with Elm Street Quilts OMG