Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Week Two of Stay at Home

Week two of staying at home was not quite as productive as last week.

It is that time of the year again so strawberry jam was in order.

Two batches on Saturday and one on Sunday.  All was going well until......

I always set the fresh filled jars upside down.  Don't ask why, I just always have.  I was turning them right side up and this was the last one.  Over 40 years of making strawberry jam and this is a first.

I know my stove needed cleaning but really?  Do you see the vent?  Yeah, what a mess.

While I was cleaning up I got a very small (microscopic but enough to bleed a little) cut on my finger and I still kept wanting to lick my fingers.

On the quilting front, I did finish a flimsy.  I'm calling it Bad Choices because I didn't make the best fabric choices.

This is for my sister.  It's one from the Midnight Quilt Show with Angela Walters.  Bad Choices was because this quilt is REAL busy.  I tried toning it down some without much success.

I made a few masks including one for DH.  He's a real estate appraiser and the mortgage companies expect him to continue doing his job.

I contacted his mother who is 89 and asked her if she would like me to make one of these for her.  Her comment was "could you make some improvements".   I asked her what improvements and she said more colorful.  I've been making them more colorful but I didn't think DH would wear flowers.  I'm pleasantly surprised he even will wear gloves or this mask.

Well that's about it here.  I do have to work next Monday and Tuesday.  And then go back the following week.  So far.

Wishing you more quilting time than I will have.

Stay safe and healthy.


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