Monday, March 24, 2025

SAHRR Parade

 I joined Gail at for her annual Stay At Home Round Robin for the first time.

All of the ladies that co-hosted with her were

Kathleen at kathleenmcmusing

Anja at anjaquilts

Wendy at piecefulthoughts

Brenda at songbirddesigns and

Emily at thedarlingdogwood

Each suggested blocks for a round making up the quilt.

I surprised myself by keeping up with each week even thought I haven't gotten it quilted yet.  It was a lot of fun trying to come up with a particular block for each round.  It turned out to be kind of a story of my life.

The center block is a paper pieced block of the lighthouse from my hometown in Michigan.

Round 1 prompt was a block that starts with the first letter of your first name.  I chose Road to Oklahoma that is where I met my husband.

Round 2 prompt was half square triangles.  Mine is called Fox and Geese, a game we played as kids.

Round 3 prompt was stars.  Friendship Star was my choice because I've made a lot of friends during my journey.

Round 4 prompt was slice and insert.  Perfect for the Alabama State Flag which is where we reside now.

Round 5 prompt was partial log cabin.  I chose a wonky log cabin to represent the rundown mobile home we had on the lake.

Round 6 prompt was a kite or another starting with the first letter of your first name.  I opted to include both.  Some kites and a block called Roll of the Dice because that's what I do to decide which project I will be working on each week.

Thank you, ladies for hosting this project.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to get it quilted soon.

I actually had some finishes during this time that I hope to get posted soon.

Until next time.....

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.



Quilting Gail said...

I love your interpretations of each round!!! Your quilt turned out fantastic! Thank you for joining in the SAHRR '25 and for linking to the Parade!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Wow your quilt looks amazing! Beautiful job !

Danice G said...

Very pretty quilt top. You did an amazing job.

Linda said...

Rose, you did a beautiful job - love your center block!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This is wonderful! Your blocks all go really well with your centre block :)