Saturday, September 14, 2024

Off The Road Again

 WARINING:  Picture heavy and not much about quilting. 😊

I originally titled this on the road again, but words would not come to me while we traveled.  Now we're home and even with so much to tell about our 51-day trip, I'm still having troubles.  Have I mentioned that I'm not a writer?

So, let's see.  The family that I told about in the previous post came to visit us at the campground on Tuesday and the baby was born on Friday.

Isn't she adorable?

We got to meet her in person on the return trip.

And they are going to visit us next month!!!  

It's amazing how, sometimes, you meet people, and that friendship is instant and, I believe, will be long lasting.

The stabilizers on the motorhome quit on day 3.  Thank goodness they were up when they quit.  We were lucky in that we had pretty level spots to park the entire trip.  The only thing was that it was like being on a boat when DH moved around.

When we arrived at my sister's camp I said, let the fun begin.

We had campfires every night.

Our dogs wrestled every day (all day).

We ate out twice a week.

Best friend from high school visited.

A storm knocked the power line down too close for comfort.
Thank goodness we weren't there.

I tried to get porcupine quills for my stitchin friends to use as stilettos.
They were too flimsy.

I gave my sister a quilt for their camper.

I bought the fabric and pattern in 2002 when our mother lived in Florida.  See mom, I'm not a quitter!!!


I presented a QOV to my brother-in-law.

It was an awesome trip but I'm glad to be home. Maybe 51 days is a bit long.

Until next time.

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.


1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Rose I bet it feels good to be home. What a sweet friendship you made with the young family, I'm sure they will enjoy their visit with you! Your gift quilts are beautiful, and I bet your BIL was very touched by his QOV. Take care!