But first....
My weekday evenings are spent on working on the "Big One" for my husband. I am so close to having the grey quilted. Then on to the coral and teal.
The Big One |
I reserved the weekends to work on other quilts.
Last month while scanning one of the link ups I came across
this one where Jenny said she rolls dice to see what she will be working on this week. I commented that my coworkers and I roll dice to see where we will be having lunch but I hadn't thought about using it for projects. Thanks Jenny I took your advise, set up the top 6 projects and began rolling the dice.
Week before last I rolled a 4. This Christmas quilt is a quilt along with a coworker.
I completed a couple of blocks then waited for quite a while for her. Then she completed several blocks. Now after rolling the dice we're back on track.
Then this week I rolled a 2. This is a t-shirt quilt for my grandson. I had the shirts cut and stabilized but nothing else. It's been sitting.
After rolling a 2 on Friday all of the shirts have the grey surround and these 4 have the shadow attached. I'm real pleased with my progress.
In a couple of weeks my weekend sewing time will be cut as the college football begins. Roll Tide!!! We host friends every Saturday during football season.
Now on to the title.....
My husband has to take continuing education every two years. He usually takes it close enough that the commute isn't as far as my daily commute to work. This year I told him if he would schedule it in Mobile, AL I would go with him and we could eat good.
I'm calling it a one person retreat because I am taking this with me.
And I plan to sit in the hotel room for 3 days and sew while he is in school. I was going to work on a sting quilt but my DD has a friend that had a baby 8 weeks early and wants an Auburn University baby quilt. I am sew looking forward to it (the retreat, not the Auburn quilt). Doesn't it sound like fun?
Wishing you more quilting time than I will have.