Tuesday, February 25, 2025

6th and Final Round for SAHRR

This week Emily from The Darling Dogwood chose the block for the next round.  She chose the kite block or choose another block with your first initial.

Thank you, Emily, for the alternative.  I do like the kite block, but I have had another block in mind the whole time and was hoping to be able to work it in.

My block starts with an R.  It's called Roll of the Dice.  I found it while looking for an R block during week 1.

Sticking with "the story of my life".  Anyone that has followed my blog knows that I roll the dice every week to decide which project I will be working on for the next 7 days.  It's a fun way to make decisions and not get bored with any one project.

I also am adding some kite blocks.

I have really surprised myself by keeping up with this challenge.  Although no rolling of the dice has happened since it started.  

I can do this!!!

Until next time.....

Wishing you more stitchin time than I will have.
